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Hi, every donation made is a step in helping us achieving our goals. Think of single parents with autistic kids or young adults that need 24 hour care. What do the parents do - they have to stay at home and find work from home which is very difficult to find. Each person with autism is gifted in some way. It would be absolutely wonderful if they could utilize that gift in a work place, earn their own money and allow their parent to go and do a normal full days work. Support our projects like this one making a difference in life to thousands of families in this country. Every child or young adult regardless of their disability can be gifted and has the right to be loved. Consider giving a donation gift and supporting this Foundation with a very clear purpose as these children and adults with autism really need your help. 

Or directly make payment to 
Caring Cluster Foundation
303a, Lorong Perak Melawati Square
Taman Melawati 53100, Kuala Lumpur

Maybank Berhad, Current  Account No,: 562209649699

Please note the foundation is strictly monitored by the trustees.

Please Bank-in @Maybank - A/C 562209649699 and send details

Caring Cluster Foundation © 2025 Matrix All Right Reserved

We collaborate with empathetic people; let’s serve the needy together.
